Journal of Nursing and Health 2025-02-16T14:32:23+00:00 Journal of Nursing & Health Open Journal Systems <p><strong>Journal of Nursing and Health (JNH)</strong> -<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> ISSN 2502-1524</a> (Online - Electronic) is a peer-reviewed, open access scholarly journal publishes high-quality manuscripts on innovative research covering all aspects of nursing and health science core The scope is in the fields of health (basic nursing, medical/surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, women nursing, community health nursing, pediatric nursing, family nursing, emergency nursing, mental nursing, gerontic nursing, education in nursing, public health, and also nursing management, hematology, clinical chemistry, immunoserology, microbiology, parasitology, clinical toxicology, molecular biology, health information technology, medical records). <strong>The journal is published four times a year, namely March, June, September and December</strong>.</p> PENGETAHUAN, SIKAP DAN PERILAKU MAHASISWA TENTANG PENGELOLAAN LIMBAH LABORATORIUM KIMIA FARMASI 2025-02-16T14:16:38+00:00 Luluk Sulistiyono 2025-02-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 Luluk Sulistiyono